
Sunday, July 24, 2011

I can usually find everything online.....

I'm getting very frustrated about not being able to find the honeymoon scene from Breaking Dawn shown at Comic Con. The scene with Jacob is available, (see previous post) but the good one with the action isn't. Why? WHY? WHY? 

If Summit was smart, and I think they are, they'd start giving us dedicated fans SOMETHING more than Jacob. Maybe they think only Team Jacob is interested. WRONG! Team Edward is chomping at the bit and they'd better start delivering!

November is a LONG wait.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn at Comic Con

Here's a scene from Breaking Dawn Part 1 featuring Jacob, Esme and Dr. Cullen.

It really looks great and I'm so excited to see the finished product in November, but where the hell is the other scene shown to all the TwiHards at Comic Con? Come on Summit! Give those of us who either don't have the time or the cash to travel to Comic Con. We still deserve to see the good stuff. Release the other scene already!

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 opens November 18,2011