
Monday, May 21, 2012

It's been a while, I have rants to catch up on....

So, I've been busy with real life and haven't had the time to rant like I would normally do. Here's a few things that have driven me crazy and yes, some of these things are 'old news'...

1. Why did all critics when reviewing The Hunger Games lash out at The Twilight Saga? They have nothing whatsoever to do with one another. ENOUGH. IDIOTS!

2. Fifty Shades of Grey is a great read. It's not for everyone, however, but if you have an open mind and aren't easily offended, read it. I own the trilogy and plan to read it again.

3. I had a while there when I didn't get FOX. My cable company was blocked from airing the network because the affiliates wanted more money. Greedy jerks! I had to spend money to see Glee several  times and I DID NOT LIKE THAT. It's not right. On my birthday, May 17th, I got an email telling me that FOX was now airing. That was a nice gift!

4. I'm still hooked on all the Kardashian shows. Why? I don't know. They are all odd and way too good looking, but I can't stop watching.  Sometimes, they embarrass me with the way they behave, but I love the shows and will watch as long as they air.

5. Linsday Lohan is going to play Liz Taylor in a film? HELLO???? NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO AND OH HELL NO. Who is the idiot that hired her? FIRE THEM! She looks nothing like her, is trouble with a capital T and has little to no talent. RECAST THE FILM YOU IDIOTS!

6. Do any of you read? I created a great website for fans of all books called I'd love it if you would all join up. I'm running a challenge on the site for Fifty Shades of Grey right now. (shameless plug, no rant, sorry!)

7. If you do like to read....have you ever tried audiobooks? I'm hooked on them. I don't have a lot of time to read, so I tend to get audiobooks from my library. If you haven't a clue what to try first, let me give you some suggestions: Sudden Mischief by Robert B Parker (it's a fun, suspenseful, romantic, and humorous 'read'), BossyPants by Tina Fey (SO FUNNY!!), The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and the rest of the trilogy (can't beat this story!), Dead Until Dark and the other Sookie Stackhouse books (Vampires, Romance, Humor and Horror all rolled into one....TRUE BLOOD, people!), and more. Want more suggestions? Join LOL!

8. Is it just me or are most statuses on FaceBook either whiny, preachy or just plain offensive? I don't offended easily, but sometimes, people are just rude or gross. I'm sick of all the complaining that some people do, (I've been known to do it too!), OMG, the preaching! I see tons of posts about religion and they drive me nuts. They are either holier than thou, atheists, or just dumb. Politics makes people mad. I don't mind that, cause it doesn't offend me, so those posts are fine. Some people have unfriended me because I'm not religious enough. COME ON PEOPLE, really? It's so-called religious people like that who turned me off of organized religion. Geez. BTW, I'm Christian and proud of it, but I don't feel the need to judge others or preach to them.

9. I am on Twitter, but I just don't 'get it'. I don't understand the lingo and all. I can't get into it and feel like I'm missing something. Someone care to explain Twitter to me? NO? OK, I'll live. LOL.

That's it for now. I hope you've caught up on my rants now. Have a rant of your own? GREAT! Comment below....

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