
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Breaking Dawn-The Movie

So, the director of "Chicago", a very good movie, is going to be the brains behind the final film(s) in the very successful and popular Twilight Saga. Let's hope he does us proud.
First off: Make the screenwriter do a better job. Sure, she's done ok with converting Stephanie Meyer's books into films, but she also leaves a lot out. Now, I don't mean to say that everything in the books has to make it to the screen, but she seems intent on leaving out the romance. We crave the romance of Twilight/New Moon/ Eclipse/ Breaking Dawn. We read all the books, sometimes over and over and we'd like to really get the full effect of the largest, most romantic and bloody chapter in the saga:Breaking Dawn.
That means, (sorry Tweens) that it needs to have an R rating. I'm not just saying that because I'd love to see some of the honeymoon (ok, so Edward biting a pillow and breaking Esme's bed would thrill me to no end), but we need to see and experience the horror of Bella's pregnancy, Edward's utter anguish at the thought of his Bella being slowly murdered by the 'fetus' and Jacob's anger. We have the Volturi coming, Reneseme too, and tons and tons of blood. That must be shown! The birth is horrible, violent and frightening and we need to see it. We need to see the imprinting, the transformation Bella goes through, all of it. I also think it must be in two films, not just one. Too much happens in the book to shrink it to one film. Besides, two films, twice the profit!
I also hope they have a real child as Reneseme, but with the help of CGI. She is extremely beautiful and advanced so CGI would help that out a lot. Bella also needs to LOOK like a glamorous vampire. She makes men stutter, so let her shine. Get a better wig, better clothes, and some great contacts and let her shine. Let them all shine. I wanna see Bella break the rocks and her baby laugh. I wanna see it all. I'm not alone either.
Don't let us down.
Now, Twilight Fans, share YOUR thoughts below!

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