
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lyndsey Lohan is confused as to why Betty White spoke up about her....

Lohan said it felt strange to get criticized by White.  “I've always been a fan of hers," Lohan said.  “It's just a bit strange when people feel they must speak publicly about others, especially a grown woman."

Seriously? Come on! LaLohan, if you wouldn't constantly use drugs, get bombed in public, steal things and screw everything that isn't nailed down, no one would have to say a bad thing about you. I think, in all honesty, it's time you grow the hell up. I no longer have any desire to watch you in a film or on tv, I will not ever go see a film you are in.  Betty White is a classy (and ballsy) lady. She's had a long career and you MIGHT seriously think about listening to what she has to say.

As for Charlie Sheen, he really needs to be locked up somewhere for a while and have his mouth taped shut. His kids might already need therapy, his ex wives probably do too, and his fans are disappointed. I didn't ever watch Two and 1/2 Men, and I feel like I'm not missing a thing. Will I ever watch him in anything? NO.

Now, I love a good scandal, celeb gossip and all, but these people are getting away with anything they do or might do. Soon, we'll see that one of them (or another trouble celeb like them) has committed a violent crime. Since they are getting away with burglary, trespassing, drug use, etc, why not a violent crime? Hell, O.J. killed two people and got away with it.

Sorry, but this is getting way out of hand.

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