
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Same old same old...New Rant, Old Subject

I haven't yet read "The Hunger Games", but I will soon. I haven't yet watched the movie based on the best selling book, but I will AFTER I've read the book. I am sure when I do read and watch, I'll enjoy both. I look forward to enjoying both. What I don't enjoy are the endless comparisons to "The Twilight Saga".

I've read all the reviews for "The Hunger Games" and everyone says it's a GREAT movie, but they also compare it to "Twilight". Why? The storylines are nothing alike, the film isn't about romance, and IT IS NOT EVEN THE SAME TYPE OF FILM. So what if both have female leads? So what if they are both based on best selling Young Adult books? So what?

This week's PEOPLE MAGAZINE has a great review of "The Hunger Games" and I was reading it thinking "I must get to reading the book so I can watch the movie!" Then the idiot reviewer stated that Katniss is a much better female role model than 'the insipid Bella Swan'.  Ok, so Bella isn't showy or bubbly, but she is more of a normal teenage girl than I've seen in films. She is normal, not beautiful, not ugly, just plain. She's clumsy-to the point of being a frequent visitor to the ER, she's smart, studious, a loaner. So what if she falls in love? It happens. So what if she wants the boy she fell in love with? It happens. Yes, she does choose to want to be like Edward, but he is sacrificing too. In my mind, Bella is a great character. She is normal, rather dull, and not all that popular. She doesn't drink, take drugs or do anything too bad-except for fall totally in love with a gorgeous vampire. Would I do the same thing in her place? Don't know, but it is FICTION after all.

I'm still tired of being given grief for loving "The Twilight Saga". I can love what I want to. Idiots!

I haven't read "The Hunger Games" yet, and I will, but why keep comparing the books and films to "Twilight"? It's as stupid as comparing "Harry Potter" to "Twilight".


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