
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why is being a Twi-Hard such a bad thing?

I'm a grown woman, a mom and a wife. I've read tons and tons of books that I love, watched even more movies and have varied interests. I found these books several years ago about teen angst and vampires. I love vampires, love angst and love love stories, so  I was drawn in. I read the first one, immediately had to read the others and I've been a fan ever since.

When I became a Twi-hard, I joined millions and millions of other fans, many are like me, older and totally in love with the saga.

Why is it so hard to be a Twilight fan? Why do we have to hear all sorts of grief when we say something positive about the books or films? Why? Most likely because they don't 'get' it. They don't get the magic, the romance, the angst of it all. 

I just saw the film, "Breaking Dawn Part 1" and I have to say, it's the best of the series so far and what happens when I say that? I get grief, that's what. 

Let me enjoy my fun and shut up if you don't like it. Damn.


  1. You should be able to enjoy what you like without getting crap from other people. If they don't like it, great, but they shouldn't keep telling you what they think. They need to just leave it alone. Tell those people they are offending you.

    People are mean and rude and it's always ok for them to feel one way and tell you all about it but God forbid you let your feelings known.

    Just another one of those reasons I don't associate with a lot of people online. You can't be a fan of things without someone always being a critic.

  2. I know, Gina. I am no longer friends with a lot of people online since I quit some sites. People are fickle and want you to only love what they love and have no other opinions. I'm tired of that.

  3. Honestly, I don't think that mean's you're an actual Twihard. I consider twihards to be the people who attack me at the movie theatre when I say vampires don't sparkle. It's totally fine to like the series, but when people attack you or get freakishly violent, that's crossing several lines. So, in the opinion of someone who doesn't like twilight all that much, you're not a twihard, just a fan. And that's totally fine, as long as you don't try to maul me.

    1. Liz, I get where you are coming from, no one should attack other for opinions.
      I, as a vampire fan, get why some think it's silly for vampires to sparkle, but I also think that since vampires are make believe (or at least I think they are!),they can be horrific undead, ugly monsters, classy tuxedo wearing counts,or gorgeous golden eyed and have the ability to sparkle. I love all new takes on the legend of the vampire and some work for me personally and some don't.
      Everyone is right because opinions aren't wrong.
      Thank you, Liz for commenting and I hope you'll be back soon.

  4. As a more mature vampire fan I can understand why Twilight gets so much shit. The series is faulty at best for presenting a vampire that really has no 'oomph'...for lack of a better term. Emo and listless, Edward lacks the ability to be more of an adult given the fact that he hasn't aged more than when he was turned. *Shrugs* I mean, the series has it's good points, but the main thing is...the story is so hard to get a follow through. It's there, yet not expanded upon. I'm sitting on the fence when it comes to Twilight. I get why people like it and hate it...but that doesn't mean that everyone should dump on each other because of it.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Wolv!
      Come back soon!
