
Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am a movie fan. I love film! I'm picky. I don't care for 'gang films' or 'art house films' but as a rule, I'm a film nut.

I've seen tons of movies. After the AFI (the American Film Institute) issued there 100 Greatest Films list, I started finding all the films on that list and watch them. Let me stress that I don't agree with the choices often.  "Midnight Cowboy" was horrid. I hated it. I thought the story was lousy, the acting worse and the whole idea in general a bad one. The AFI doesn't agree, but that is the way I feel.

Cult films are another type I usually enjoy. I love "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and think it's great fun. I love "Memento" due to it's unusual storytelling technique and ideas. It's well acted and well constructed. As for some other famous cult films, I'm still on the fence. Some I'll try to watch again just to see if I'm missing something the first time around. I'm usually willing to give a film a chance. One I will not see again is the John Waters (who, in general, I often like), film, "Pink Flamingos". It's so disgusting that I couldn't finish it. I had to shower after I attempted to watch it. I am very hard to offend, but this film totally offended me. I can't go into specifics, but let's just say that there is some violations of a chicken, eating poop and some other things that I can't/won't list. Yes, it is that bad.

Do I look down at someone for loving a certain film or type of film? No. To each his/her own, but I get  often made fun of and talked to like I'm an idiot over what films I love. Why? I don't know. Some people love kid-friendly films, others only love horror, some love romances and nothing else.I love all sorts of odd movies, little-seen hidden gems, commerical bombs and blockbuster hits. I love all sorts of films. I'll talk with you about films and film trivia all day. Just do not ever tell me or anyone else what you love is stupid or not worth watching.

My Favorite Films of All Time (as of 11-27-11)

The Wizard of Oz


The Women (1939)

Something's Gotta Give

Gone With The Wind

The Sound of Music

The Bridges of Madison County

Like Water For Chocolate

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1


New Moon


Walk The Line

Coal Miner's Daughter

The Godfather

The Godfather Part Two

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Swedish Film)

The Girl Who Played With Fire (Swedish Film)

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest (Swedish Film)

The Exorcist

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

It's a Wonderful Life

Silence of the Lambs

The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Sex and the City

To Kill a Mockingbird

Suddenly, Last Summer

I am sure I have more, but those are some that spring to mind when I think of films I love.  In the comment section below, feel free to list your favorites.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why is being a Twi-Hard such a bad thing?

I'm a grown woman, a mom and a wife. I've read tons and tons of books that I love, watched even more movies and have varied interests. I found these books several years ago about teen angst and vampires. I love vampires, love angst and love love stories, so  I was drawn in. I read the first one, immediately had to read the others and I've been a fan ever since.

When I became a Twi-hard, I joined millions and millions of other fans, many are like me, older and totally in love with the saga.

Why is it so hard to be a Twilight fan? Why do we have to hear all sorts of grief when we say something positive about the books or films? Why? Most likely because they don't 'get' it. They don't get the magic, the romance, the angst of it all. 

I just saw the film, "Breaking Dawn Part 1" and I have to say, it's the best of the series so far and what happens when I say that? I get grief, that's what. 

Let me enjoy my fun and shut up if you don't like it. Damn.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Breaking Dawn, Kim K, and more

Yes, I am 'one of those Twilight People' and I'm proud of it. I'm going to be one of the many that flock as soon as possible to the movie to see Breaking Dawn Part 1. I'll buy it when it comes out on BluRay and I'll get all items I am able to relating to it. Yes, I'm 'one of those Twilight people'.

Kim Kardashian....where do I begin? I'm a newbie when it comes to their reality show, only just recently giving in and watching it and getting hooked, but what the hell is this crap? I like Bruce, Kris (the mom) and that's about it. Why do I watch this show? I don't know. Why do I care about the wedding and the divorce (not a shocker, btw), why? Don't ask me. I don't know.

Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed FINALLY got married. I cried like a baby while watching their wedding and the shows that were shown this season. I just love them. I do. They are a cute, wealthy, famous, but REAL family and I can't imagine not watching that show. My kids watch it, my Mom watches it, my Husband watches it. We are all hooked. Can't wait to see what is in store for them next season. I hope it's happiness.

Am I the only one that thinks that not only should Michael Jackson's doctor get prison time, but all of his plastic surgeons should too? Rest in peace, King of Pop.

Is anyone else hooked on Storage Wars? I love this show. We will watch it all day if it was on. It's habit forming.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Parnanormal Activity 3

I'm a fan. I loved the first two films and I can't wait to see this one. Check out the trailer...

Official Paranormal Activity 3 Trailer

Monday, September 12, 2011

True Blood

Who saw True Blood's season finale last night? You did? Good! OMG, was that a wild show last night or what? WOW is just about all I can say.

I knew what happened with Debbie was going to (spoiler alert!) mainly because it happened in the books. But, what the hell with Tara? OMG!!! OMG!!! I am not really sure if I'll make it 10 months or more for the new season.

While I'm complaining on having to wait so long, let me ask this: why DO we have to wait so long? WHY? It is like we get 10 shows once a year (I know it has to be more than that, but I am trying to prove a point here). Come on, TB, help us out! Move it a little!

Now, I have to get on to pre order this season's DVD set.

If you haven't watched the show, do it. What are you waiting for? Start watching and then we can talk.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Do you love books? Love to write? Are you a member of a book club? Can't find a book club? Consider joining strives to be your online coffee shop/book shop. Bring your own coffee, and have a seat. Meet new friends, talk about books, share information on your favorites, share your favorite tv shows, movies and more.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summit found who leaked Breaking Dawn footage

I'm going to admit again that I saw the leaked footage, but never posted it, just looked. 
I'm going to admit that I also LOVED what I saw.
I'm going to agree that stealing property is a crime and is wrong. Those who steal should be punished.

That said, I must also say that if Summit would stop and think a minute, they might have to sue one of their own. How DID the footage wind up in the hands of a certain fan? The sets and locations were closed, now weren't they? Security all over? Everything hush hush? If all those answers are 'yes', then Summit's employees are to blame. 

Here's the article to read further:

Many people saw the footage, many people loved it. It created more buzz for the movie, got people who already wanted and planned to see it more excited and got some press. So, yes, maybe the thief should have some kind of punishment, but Summit, you also might thank her for the free press.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I can usually find everything online.....

I'm getting very frustrated about not being able to find the honeymoon scene from Breaking Dawn shown at Comic Con. The scene with Jacob is available, (see previous post) but the good one with the action isn't. Why? WHY? WHY? 

If Summit was smart, and I think they are, they'd start giving us dedicated fans SOMETHING more than Jacob. Maybe they think only Team Jacob is interested. WRONG! Team Edward is chomping at the bit and they'd better start delivering!

November is a LONG wait.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn at Comic Con

Here's a scene from Breaking Dawn Part 1 featuring Jacob, Esme and Dr. Cullen.

It really looks great and I'm so excited to see the finished product in November, but where the hell is the other scene shown to all the TwiHards at Comic Con? Come on Summit! Give those of us who either don't have the time or the cash to travel to Comic Con. We still deserve to see the good stuff. Release the other scene already!

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 opens November 18,2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fishborne Exits CSI

Oh thank you! I thought he'd never leave. 
As an actor, I assume he is talented, but I have never liked him. As a character, Ray Langston was ridiculous. He made the other CSI characters look stupid, he acted superior to them even though he was a newbie and he was almost unbearable. Much of the blame does lay on the writers for writing such silliness and now it's over. 
Fishborne chose to not renew his contract. Several reports say it's due to the fact that he wanted to do more films. Many say that it's also due to the fact that fans complained, hated the character, and the ratings went down. Face it, if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, it's usually a duck.
He's gone! He's gone! Now, I can watch my former favorite show again. 
Let's just hope The Powers That Be are bright enough to beg and plead with William Petersen to return for many shows next season. It's pretty obvious that no one else will do.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lyndsey Lohan is confused as to why Betty White spoke up about her....

Lohan said it felt strange to get criticized by White.  “I've always been a fan of hers," Lohan said.  “It's just a bit strange when people feel they must speak publicly about others, especially a grown woman."

Seriously? Come on! LaLohan, if you wouldn't constantly use drugs, get bombed in public, steal things and screw everything that isn't nailed down, no one would have to say a bad thing about you. I think, in all honesty, it's time you grow the hell up. I no longer have any desire to watch you in a film or on tv, I will not ever go see a film you are in.  Betty White is a classy (and ballsy) lady. She's had a long career and you MIGHT seriously think about listening to what she has to say.

As for Charlie Sheen, he really needs to be locked up somewhere for a while and have his mouth taped shut. His kids might already need therapy, his ex wives probably do too, and his fans are disappointed. I didn't ever watch Two and 1/2 Men, and I feel like I'm not missing a thing. Will I ever watch him in anything? NO.

Now, I love a good scandal, celeb gossip and all, but these people are getting away with anything they do or might do. Soon, we'll see that one of them (or another trouble celeb like them) has committed a violent crime. Since they are getting away with burglary, trespassing, drug use, etc, why not a violent crime? Hell, O.J. killed two people and got away with it.

Sorry, but this is getting way out of hand.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Summit is going bonzo over leaks for Breaking Dawn

So, the studio that is producing Breaking Dawn is having a hissy fit over the 'leaked' set photos of Breaking Dawn. Now, I'm all for respecting the producers, writers and actors, but people, please. I was excited to see the film before the photos surfaced, now, I'm going nuts. I can't hardly wait now! What the filmmakers don't seem to 'get' is the fact that we die-hard fans want to 'check in' on what they are doing, and make sure they are doing it right.

This book, the final novel in the incredibly popular Twilight Saga, is a hard one to film and even harder, I'm sure, to have with a PG-13 Rating. Now, I'm an adult and I'd love an R rating for the film. Haven't read the book? DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!


The book tells of Bella and Edward's wedding, honeymoon, (vampire sex is violent, hot and utterly fabulous) and the unplanned, totally unexpected pregnancy that results. Bella loves being human because she loves being able to LOVE  Edward and doesn't mind staying human a bit longer so she can 'enjoy' him more. That all changes with her pregnancy. A pregnancy that is only three months long and extremely dangerous. She is carrying an unknown monster, remember. The birth of the half-vampire child is a horrible, bloody and extremely violent one that ends with Bella dying and becoming a vampire.

Reading the book was exciting, exhausting and rather frustrating, Frustrating not only because of the fact that the book was seemingly written for 12 year olds, but  because I felt like the filmmakers would cheat those of us who can deal with some smutty vampire lovin' and some blood. After seeing the 'leaked' photos, I'm not so worried anymore. I all but burst into flames at the photos of Bella and Edward on their honeymoon and from the photo I saw of Edward holding the bloody baby, it's really lookin' promising.

I have to admit: I have the pics. I didn't post them mainly due to the total hissy fit that Summit is throwing. Let me tell you all....the pics are AWESOME! Not only that, I found a site that had *sigh* a video of one of the love scenes. *sigh* I will also confess I watched it three times. LOL.

In my experience, most of these 'leaks' are posted by Hollywood insiders. Think about it. Who else would have them? Hmmm? Have you ever seen a link to a movie that's not out yet? Watched one? Well, if you did, you'd sometimes find that they are damn good copies, right? Well, who do you think posts those? You got it. Hollywood insiders who are most likely working on the film. There,see? They do it to themselves.

So, in closing, I'd like to tell Stephanie Meyer "Sorry, I love your work, love the Saga, but I won't stop hunting for spoilers and photos." and to the filmmakers, "Chill out dudes. It's great publicity and it's making people want to see it even more. I'm not sure I can stand to wait til November. The movie looks amazing!"

Keep checking this blog, I'll update it more often as time permits.