
Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hello there my friends. I'm ranting today about YouTube. I loved YouTube and I have around 30 videos posted there. That said, s many of mine have been disabled due to 'copyright infringement' and either have no sound or have been deleted. I have friends whose accounts have been deleted.

Now, I understand that artists and so on must make money for their songs, tv show/movie clips or whatever, but come on....these videos that fans like me make are harmless. We make no money from these videos, we do them for ourselves, our friends and fans of whatever show/movie/book that we like. I make CSI/GSR and Twilight Saga videos. I have never made money (darn it) from any of them. I love watching videos. They are sometimes better than the shows we are basing them on.

I've also discovered music artists I've never heard of because of these videos by fans. Linkin Park was totally unknown to me years ago until I saw a CSI video that used one of their songs. I am now a HUGE fan of theirs . That is merely an example. There are many more.

Because of the copyright thing that is messing up our videos, there video makers, like myself, who are having a hard time making videos. We worry that no matter what disclaimer we might add to it, our hard work will be deleted. So here is what I have to say:LEAVE OUR VIDEOS ALONE. LET US SHOW OUR LOVE FOR YOUR MUSIC/BOOK/MOVIE/TV SHOW AND HONOR IT. LET US BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN!

To check out my videos that still work, you can visit YouTube and look up blondecharmedone.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just read a disturbing book....

I just finished reading "High On Arrival" by Mackenzie Phillips. It cronicles her life as a child star, abused teen, drug addict, abused adult, rape victim, mother, wife and survivor.

I wanted to read it out of the curiousity that one has when they see a wreck on the don't wanna look, but ya just can't help it.

This book, while horrifying, is a well written, deeply sad and moving insight into the life of a woman who had no chance in hell to be 'normal' and have a 'normal' childhood. She is lucky she made it out alive, I can tell you that.

In the days before Child Protective Services, Mackenzie was given cocaine at age 11 by her drug addicted father, John Phillips, and that began her 'new' life. She was used and abused by almost everyone she let into her life, and those who didn't treat her badly, she pushed away.

I have to say, I believe everything this woman says in her book. Why lie about such horrid things? I used to see her on "True Hollywood Stories" and the gossip rags about how hooked she is on drugs, how she got caught AGAIN with drugs, yada yada yada and I never EVER felt bad for her. Matter of fact, I couldn't stand her on "One Day At A Time" as Julie. She was unattractive, loud, mean and hateful. I liked Barbara on the show more. Anyway, now I see that this what all she was going through behind the scenes and I admire her.

This isn't a book for everyone, it is very disturbing and horrifying but it's also a tale of survival. I hope she continues to live a healthy, happy life.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm in a funk

My former favorite show is CSI Las Vegas. I wish I could love it like I used to and it's making me feel all depressed. I miss wanting to see it on Thursday nights. I miss planning the meals around the viewing. I miss talking to my friends about it. I miss working on my GSR site about the show. UGH. Even though I miss it terribly, I can't gather up enough enthusiasm for the show to even turn it on at 8pm tonight. Why? Because William Petersen left, Laurence Fishborne came on, Jorja Fox came back (which was great, but then, if Grissom and Sara are married......??????) and the writers either checked out or are asleep. The show is tired. I'm sick of it and a bunch of my friends are feeling the same way.
I want to like the show again....but unless William Petersen comes back at least for a visit, it's not gonna happen.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I know that Hollywood seems to love remaking old movies, but I have some thoughts on films that SHOULD be made....

There's been a tv show and tv movies based on this series of books, but I think a feature film (or films) would be amazing-Robert B.Parker's "Spenser" books. They are brilliantly written, have amazing stories, great characters, sex, action, crime, drama, and tons of humor.

I don't know about a feature film, but a tv show based on "The Southern Sisters Mysteries" written by Anne George would be fabulous. These books are hysterical, fun, full of humor, crime, crazy characters and drama. I love these Southern Sisters and I honestly think you would too.

There is also the "Goldie Bear" books written by Diane Mott Davidson. Filled with amazing food, fun characters, an evil ex husband and crime, these would be a great basis for a tv show or film(s).

That is all for now, but I'll have additions to this list soon.

This is why I love to rant.

This morning, I was greeted with yet another blip from the internet telling me once again that William Petersen just won't come back to CSI. Thanks.


Part of me thinks he (and the others) protest too much, but the other part of me says "it's over, get over it". What is a fan to do? Rant!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Funny how.........

I think it's funny how 'bad' celebs like Tiger Woods, Jessie James and John Edwards get all the press, but men, successful men, who are FAITHFUL and in loving and lasting relationships get nothing.

I am totally hooked on the reality show "Gene Simmons Family Jewels" on the A&E network. Gene is "the demon" bassist/singer from KISS and is a notorious womanizer who had relationships with Diana Ross and Cher. Gene is rich beyond words and a very brilliant businessman. He's an actor, musician and he runs many many businesses. He is so funny. He's totally devoted to his ladylove of 26 years, former playboy playmate, Shannon Tweed. They have two great kids, Nick, who is almost 21 and Sophie who is almost 18. They live in a HUGE beautiful house, have beautiful things and take amazing trips, but they are N-O-R-M-
A-L people who are in love and happy and crazy about their kids. Genie (as Shannon calls him) sleeps in a red one piece PJ and loves cottage cheese and oatmeal. He worships his Mother and his kids. He is totally devoted to Shannon and I love watching them. They are so cute, so REAL, so in love and devoted that it is lovely to see. Why can't they get press? Oh, yeah, they have a show, but do we read about them every day? NOPE and why? Because they are both faithful. They raised great kids and have a great family. That's why.

Kirk Russell and Goldie Hawn are another example of the happily together for a LONG time stars. They have never married, but who cares? They are a real family. The very popular Kate Hudson, who is Goldie's look-a-like daughter, thinks of Kirk as her father. They don't get written about mainly because they are HAPPY!

I think some of the idiot celebs who are badly behaved would stop and think before doing if they DID NOT get talked about. What if no one cared? Would they keep their 'dumbsticks' in their pants? Hmmm. Think on that one for a bit and get back to me.

TV Shows and Their Endings

I love tv. I'm a fan of all kinds of shows, but I'm going to rant a bit about my all-time favorite shows and the fact that they ended.

Twin Peaks-It ended badly. As I recall, it was an unexpected ending to the show that started out as the most original show EVER put on tv. The first year was beyond amazing and always original. It whimpered away, leaving most of the avid fans wanting.

Friends-It shouldn't have ended.PERIOD.I would have watched it until the gang went into the retirement home and I think that most of us fans agree. Let's face it, the stars were tired and wanted a change, but what success have they had since? Let me let you think on that for a while.....don't hurt yourself.....there weren't many successes, so stop straining to think. Courtney Cox had a brief success with "Dirt" and I was a fan. It just ended. No wrap up of storylines, no announcement, just nada. I thought it was a wild show, and it was a great one. Too bad it ended. Jennifer Aniston had a couple of nice films, but the rest flopped, Matt Perry has done nothing that I can recall, Matt LeBlanc had the horrid "Joey" and it was painful to watch. Lisa Kudrow, the 'actress' in the bunch had a few good roles and where is David Schimmer? Did he fall off the face of the earth? All in all, the gang would have done much better to stay on tv. The show is missed, the characters are missed and the laughs are missed. I do have to say the final show was perfection.

Charmed-Boy oh boy, do I love that show, but when the powers that be at the network chose to kill it, they killed it but good. How you ask? They took money away from the production budget, they had 'Leo' leave, which saved money, but pissed off many fans, they brought in the blonde who is now the star of "The Big Bang Theory" and she could have killed it all by herself with her terrible acting. The show could have gone on, it had a huge following and could have had some more life in it. Thank the former "WB" network for that mess. One thing I can say is even though they missed the chance to have Prue come in as a ghost, the last two episodes were amazing and I cry every time I watch them.

I have other shows that I miss, but they ended fine. What shows ended badly for you? What shows that are no longer on tv do you miss?

Monday, April 12, 2010

CSI Las Vegas

Anyone who knows me or knows of me is fully aware that I am a CSI nut. I love the show. I love the Grissom and Sara romance. And I love William Petersen. So, what am I ranting about? I'll tell you!
William Petersen left the show to perform in the theater in Chicago. Nothing wrong with that-it makes him happy.Does it make CSI fans happy? don't think so. The show went down the tubes since he left. Laurence Fishborne was brought in as a very poor replacement for our handsome/quirky/brilliant bugman and it is just not working. Jorja Fox, who left the show, came back as Mrs. Grissom without her husband. GSR fans were thrilled that Jorja was back, thrilled that their couple are FINALLY married, but confused as to why the hell Grissom and Sara would live in different countries. I emailed one of the producers/writers who I call friend and asked him what was what. He defended the whole idea, but I am just not buying into it. Why in the world would two people who fought their attraction for almost ten years, who almost lose each other when Sara was kidnapped and left for dead, who lost a coworker, who are madly in love live so far apart? Why? They really aren't giving us a good reason and I am just not interested in the show anymore.
Sure, Jorja Fox coming back helped for a bit, but Fishborne is so boring that when he's onscreen I tend to drift off, and everyone else looks lost and bored. The writing-which was once some of the best on TV, is now lazy and half-assed. So, you see, this is my rant.....IF YOU AREN'T GONNA DO IT RIGHT, WHY DON'T YOU STOP IT.
Let William Petersen come back and whisk his "Sara" off and let the GSRers know a geekbaby is coming, let Catherine find love, let Greg get is book on the best seller list, let Nick get married and let Brass find a love interest (I suggest Lady Heather), but end it on a high note.
Yes, I am missing Grissom and would watch it if he was back, but William Petersen his happy on the Chicago stage and I want him to be happy. That said, would it kill him to come to LA for a week to film a great CSI ending? Nope.
So, I'm taking a vacation from watching the show, but you can still check out my CSI/GSR website. I'm not messing with it much either, but we've got 374 members and many activites to keep you busy. Here is the link:

Until Grissom returns, I don't plan to watch. But, like I say on my GSR site, I'm keeping the faith.


I'm not very happy with the casting for the new film based on the first of the many "Stephanie Plum" books by Janet Evanovitch. Katherine Heigel has been cast as Stephanie Plum and I just don't get it. Why oh why do that to us? The woman couldn't act her way out of a barn and yet we are supposed to be thrilled by this? I don't think so. I see Stephanie portrayed by either Sandra Bullock or Lisa Remi. Morelli would be Ben Bratt and Ranger would be either Vin Diesel or The Rock. What else are they going to do to us with the casting? So far, I'm not happy, so they'd better do good with the casting for Ranger and Joe. I also want a fabulous Lula, who I think should be non other than the always amazing Queen Latifa. But, since no one is asking me, I'm sure we'll get stuck with Jennifer Hudson or someone else. UGH.

What about the yet-to -be-filmed "Breaking Dawn"? Who can play Reneseme Cullen? I think they could and should use a real baby and small child, but maybe jazz up the beauty and special gifts with CGI. Also, while we are on the subject, I sure hope that the makeup/special effects guys get better with the vampires. Yes, it's hard to make Edward NOT look good, but that isn't what I mean. When Bella changes, she needs to honestly look amazing. Better than ever, and they'd better get it right. She makes people stutter, so do it right, ok? Get a better and longer wig, do some great make-up and show off how lovely she is. Also, what is the deal with Alice's outfits in New Moon? She looked pregnant most of the time. (yes I know I'm talking about a different movie, but REALLY!) She is pixie like and gracefull, SHOW IT OFF!

That's all for this time....check back soon for my LARGE rant about my former favorite show, CSI Las Vegas. It's not gonna be pretty.

Cheating Stars

What is wrong with all of these so called stars that are supposed to be happily married and then they are caught cheating? I, for one, am sick to death of these guys screwing anything that moves just because they think they can. Honestly, Tiger Woods should be neutered and Sandra Bullock's husband should be horse-whipped. Why do I care? Because I am a wife. I would be beyond devastated if it happened to me and I can feel their pain.

I don't know much about Tiger Woods' wife, but I'm a Sandra Bullock fan. She seems like a very nice person and I enjoy her films. Knowing (from her interviews and speeches) she absolutely adores her husband and his children and this is what makes it so awful. You can tell SHE is devoted. You can tell SHE is madly in love. My heart goes out to her.

This now brings me to the King of the bad husbands, John Gosselin. He is so gross, so nasty, so lazy and stupid, it's beyond me why any lawyer would take him as a client. Why would any woman want to date him? It's not like the press coverage they'd get would be good. I'm sick to death of hearing about him. And why does everyone hate Kate? What did she do that was so wrong? I tell you: she had to boss her idiot husband around for years because he was too stupid to do anything by himself. I admire Kate, although I think she's a bit annal. I hope she finds a nice, faithful and hardworking man to share her life.

Ok, I think I'm finished ranting on the cheaters for now, but rest assured I'll find something else to complain about very soon.