
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

TV Shows and Their Endings

I love tv. I'm a fan of all kinds of shows, but I'm going to rant a bit about my all-time favorite shows and the fact that they ended.

Twin Peaks-It ended badly. As I recall, it was an unexpected ending to the show that started out as the most original show EVER put on tv. The first year was beyond amazing and always original. It whimpered away, leaving most of the avid fans wanting.

Friends-It shouldn't have ended.PERIOD.I would have watched it until the gang went into the retirement home and I think that most of us fans agree. Let's face it, the stars were tired and wanted a change, but what success have they had since? Let me let you think on that for a while.....don't hurt yourself.....there weren't many successes, so stop straining to think. Courtney Cox had a brief success with "Dirt" and I was a fan. It just ended. No wrap up of storylines, no announcement, just nada. I thought it was a wild show, and it was a great one. Too bad it ended. Jennifer Aniston had a couple of nice films, but the rest flopped, Matt Perry has done nothing that I can recall, Matt LeBlanc had the horrid "Joey" and it was painful to watch. Lisa Kudrow, the 'actress' in the bunch had a few good roles and where is David Schimmer? Did he fall off the face of the earth? All in all, the gang would have done much better to stay on tv. The show is missed, the characters are missed and the laughs are missed. I do have to say the final show was perfection.

Charmed-Boy oh boy, do I love that show, but when the powers that be at the network chose to kill it, they killed it but good. How you ask? They took money away from the production budget, they had 'Leo' leave, which saved money, but pissed off many fans, they brought in the blonde who is now the star of "The Big Bang Theory" and she could have killed it all by herself with her terrible acting. The show could have gone on, it had a huge following and could have had some more life in it. Thank the former "WB" network for that mess. One thing I can say is even though they missed the chance to have Prue come in as a ghost, the last two episodes were amazing and I cry every time I watch them.

I have other shows that I miss, but they ended fine. What shows ended badly for you? What shows that are no longer on tv do you miss?

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that the award for the worst TV show ending goes to "Now and Again" from 1999-2000. It was unjustly cancelled on the mother of all cliffhangers, and 10 years later, I'm still wondering what happened to the characters.
