
Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I know that Hollywood seems to love remaking old movies, but I have some thoughts on films that SHOULD be made....

There's been a tv show and tv movies based on this series of books, but I think a feature film (or films) would be amazing-Robert B.Parker's "Spenser" books. They are brilliantly written, have amazing stories, great characters, sex, action, crime, drama, and tons of humor.

I don't know about a feature film, but a tv show based on "The Southern Sisters Mysteries" written by Anne George would be fabulous. These books are hysterical, fun, full of humor, crime, crazy characters and drama. I love these Southern Sisters and I honestly think you would too.

There is also the "Goldie Bear" books written by Diane Mott Davidson. Filled with amazing food, fun characters, an evil ex husband and crime, these would be a great basis for a tv show or film(s).

That is all for now, but I'll have additions to this list soon.


  1. The main trouble I have found with doing a author's books is the first thing they do is rewrite it - change it all over. I will hate it if they do that with the Janet Evonovich's STEPHANIE PLUM. They would be so very watchable, please don't change anything!!! Betty White as Grandma Mazur would be so very perfect and Danny DaVito as Vinnie would be great. Sue Grafton's KINSEY MILHOUNE would be another good fit. If they do anymore SPENSER books by Rbt. B. Parker - PPPLLLEEEAASEEE!!!! get Joe Montena back as our hero - and Marsha Gay Harden as Susan. Since Parker was involved in the earlier movies maybe his wife and sons would be producers again to make it as good as the first ones.

  2. Oh, I'm still hoping for an adaptation of the Stephen King book "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon." And only if it stays as dark as the novel was. (And it would be great if they got Jared Padalecki as Tom; the baseball player who comes to the little girl as she starts going crazy.)

  3. I've never heard of that one, Shane. Sounds interesting, though.
