
Monday, April 12, 2010

Cheating Stars

What is wrong with all of these so called stars that are supposed to be happily married and then they are caught cheating? I, for one, am sick to death of these guys screwing anything that moves just because they think they can. Honestly, Tiger Woods should be neutered and Sandra Bullock's husband should be horse-whipped. Why do I care? Because I am a wife. I would be beyond devastated if it happened to me and I can feel their pain.

I don't know much about Tiger Woods' wife, but I'm a Sandra Bullock fan. She seems like a very nice person and I enjoy her films. Knowing (from her interviews and speeches) she absolutely adores her husband and his children and this is what makes it so awful. You can tell SHE is devoted. You can tell SHE is madly in love. My heart goes out to her.

This now brings me to the King of the bad husbands, John Gosselin. He is so gross, so nasty, so lazy and stupid, it's beyond me why any lawyer would take him as a client. Why would any woman want to date him? It's not like the press coverage they'd get would be good. I'm sick to death of hearing about him. And why does everyone hate Kate? What did she do that was so wrong? I tell you: she had to boss her idiot husband around for years because he was too stupid to do anything by himself. I admire Kate, although I think she's a bit annal. I hope she finds a nice, faithful and hardworking man to share her life.

Ok, I think I'm finished ranting on the cheaters for now, but rest assured I'll find something else to complain about very soon.

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